November 6, 2015
Does your company have sustainability goals on the horizon? As we near the close of 2015, many businesses have established goals for 2020, and while some companies may be on track to exceed them, others may be worrying about coming up short.Of the varied categories that comprise corporate sustainability goals, the ‘energy’ one may seem like a difficult goal to achieve. It may have become a lower priority in comparison to other goals—such as streamlined supply chain, social responsibility or environmental conservation—that may be at the forefront of stakeholders’ minds. An environmentally-conscious owner, for example, may push a property manager to focus the investment on one or two key goals to increase both value and reputation.Even with only several years left, you can build an integrated energy strategy that can help support the achievement of your corporate 2020 goals.
Power & Natural Gas Supply
From today until 2020, your team can better manage costs and achieve stronger budget predictability— strategies exist in which customers can manage their power or natural gas supply like an investment portfolio.These energy management strategies help achieve budget certainty while allowing for the flexibility to take advantage of market opportunities. The next time you buy power, consider a long-term, actively managed approach.Energy Efficiency
While facility upgrades alone may help achieve goals to reduce consumption, incorporating energy conservation measures into your energy strategy may also reduce demand, and thereby decrease the volume purchased over time. If you need an extra push to meet your goals, lighting, HVAC and/or other efficiency upgrades may be viable options for you to consider.Load Response
Many companies leverage Load Response programs and incentives to curtail their load, again providing an additional method for reducing consumption and costs. This can be especially useful, for example, at properties with high energy intensity during the day but lower usage at night.Distributed Generation
An energy strategy can help reduce corporate operating costs, freeing up capital to support your organizations’ commitment to shareholders, owners and tenants. What could you do with extra capital—invest in a capital project? Or the latest technology? Or perhaps even build a connection to your brand?An in-depth review of your existing strategy within the context of today’s market may uncover additional opportunities—new technologies exist that may not have been available at the time your 2020 goals were established. Advances in battery technology, combined heat and power (CHP), hydrogen fuel cells, car charging stations, solar, facility heat-mapping and more may provide solutions to reduce emissions, take advantage of fuel from renewable sources and more.To learn more about how our energy management experts can help you, contact Constellation’s Sr. Business Development Manager, Troy Williams at, 888-232-5975 or visit