Now More Than Ever

It is the participation and dedication of our member volunteers that makes BOMA Greater Cleveland strong. One of the benefits of membership in BOMA Greater Cleveland is the potential to develop new relationships within the commercial real estate community. By joining a BOMA Greater Cleveland Committee, you gain access to a wide variety of information as well as the opportunity to meet and work side-by-side with your peers in the industry.

Now More Than Ever” get involved!
Due to the outstanding opportunity for networking, most committees have a short waiting list. However, if you have an interest in attending a meeting or joining a committee, please contact us and we will let you know which committees have availability. A complete description of each committee is available below.

Associates Council
To make available to all members the technical and specialty knowledge available from member vendors and suppliers. To schedule, plan and coordinate the annual vendor show. Staff Liaison – Heather Thompson

Board of Directors
The BOMA Board of Trustees is the governing body of the organization. It is responsible to ensure organizational planning and goal setting while managing the organizations’ resources. The Board also determines, monitors and strengthens programs and services for all members. The Board of Trustees must also ensure the legal and ethical integrity of the organization. Staff Liaison – Natalie Nemanic

Emerging Leaders
To provide career building advice, educational opportunities and leadership development to the industry’s Emerging Leaders. Staff Liaison – Amber Barchus

Energy/Utility Committee
To review all utility issues that affect BOMA members. Identify, analyze and make recommendations to BOMA members regarding opportunities to reduce utility costs. Staff Liaison – Natalie Nemanic

Engineers Committee 
To develop workshops, seminars and building tours that relate to and enhance the operations and maintenance of building systems. Staff Liaison – Malik Darwish

Golf Outing Committee
To develop, organize, implement and review the annual membership golf outing. Staff Liaison – Natalie Nemanic

Governmental Affairs Committee 
To protect the interests of BOMA Members in the Greater Cleveland area with respect to legislative, regulatory and civic issues. Staff Liaison – Malik Darwish

Group Purchasing Committee
To consider and analyze potential product categories and associated vendors. To award contracts to vendors who provide the highest value through cost savings and service. To disseminate information to the membership regarding cost savings opportunities. Staff Liaison – Natalie Nemanic

Membership and Dues Committee 
To develop strategies and marketing techniques for increasing BOMA’s membership and provide recruitment assistance. Review and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding membership dues. Staff Liaison – Natalie Nemanic

Professional Development Committee 
To provide professional real estate education and training that is timely, responsive, cost effective, accessible and sets the industry standard, enhancing the value of the individual, company and property. Staff Liaison – Malik Darwish

Program Committee 
To develop, organize, implement and review membership events that educate, entertain and provide networking opportunities for BOMA members. Staff Liaison – Amber Barchus

Suburban Section 
Through Suburban Member representation on BOMA’s Committee and Board, we will present our views to the suburban communities and the BOMA local. We will promote knowledge and communication among all members by sharing information and ideas. Staff Liaison – Malik Darwish

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becoming a BOMA member.

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