BOMA’s Experience Exchange Report (EER) has been the industry’s most trusted benchmarking resource for office buildings for nearly a century thanks to the thousands of property professionals who share their data each year.  This year, the best business tool in commercial real estate is getting even better: BOMA is pleased to announce that the EER is expanding to include industrial buildings with the new Industrial EER.

In order to create the best possible resource for both the office and industrial sectors, we need you to submit your data to the newly rebranded Office EER survey and/or the first-ever Industrial EER survey, depending on the building types you own or manage.

As market conditions continue to improve, this year’s data will be more valuable than ever.  That’s why your participation in the EER surveys is so important.

Start your EER Survey today.

Category: Featured

Tags: BOMA International, Data, EER, Experience Exchange Report