February 26, 2018
Downtown Street Restriction for Main Ave. Bridge Work
Repairs to the Main Avenue Bridge will require temporary surface street restrictions in order to complete overhead work. Beginning Monday, March 5 through Friday, March 23, crews will close eastbound Main Avenue between West 10th Street and West 9th Street, under State Route 2/Main Avenue Bridge (outbound from East Bank) weekdays only from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastbound motorists will be detoured via West 10th Street to Front Avenue to West 9th Street.
Westbound Main Avenue (inbound to East Bank) will be maintained at all times. The roadway will remain open in both directions on the weekends.

For more information contact: The ODOT District 12 Communications Office at (216) 584-2005 or D12.Public.Information@dot.ohio.gov